Live Q&A: Building Your Financial Future

Tamara Bates, former financial advisor and Founder of the dots between
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 | 5-6pm ET
This is a free event.
Join Tamara Bates for a Live Q&A on creating a long-term financial vision. Artists never fully retire, but long-term careers require long-term planning. It is never too early to care for your future self!

While you may have tackled the urgent, day-to-day necessities of your creative endeavor such as taxes, pricing work, and negotiating contracts, how do you know whether your current financial decisions are creating a strong foundation for the future? This Q&A will delve into the fundamentals of retirement accounts for different income levels (the earlier you think about this, the better!), understanding social security, and how to handle a lump sum of money like a large grant or inheritance. You will also learn how to use a financial calculator to see if you are making the right choices now to carry you forward with strength.

During this Q&A, bring questions about investing on your own, life insurance, what to ask a financial advisor, and how strategies might change based on age and career path. Creatives at all stages of their careers are welcome (students included!).

Tamara Bates is the daughter of two artists. The information she shares is built on her experience working as a financial advisor, extensive training in financial planning, and the past four years working with hundreds of artists across the country. She is able to deliver this information in an accessible, lively manner that is relevant to creatives from any medium and career stage.

Currently, Tamara is the Executive Director of Searchlight New Mexico, a nonprofit journalism organization. She has worked as a financial advisor for UBS and Raymond James, along with two decades of nonprofit experience in philanthropy and fundraising. In 2020, Tamara founded a financial coaching program for artists called the dots between, that has served creatives across the country. She has been an Arts Commissioner for the City of Santa Fe and is a former board member of Creative Capital.